Man en vrouw in de dans = L'homme et la femme dans la danse = Man and woman in dance : 2-4 november 1990

Man en vrouw in de dans = L'homme et la femme dans la danse = Man and woman in dance : 2-4 november 1990 Homme et la femme dans la danse Man and woman in dance - París : A.E.H.D., 1990 - 141 p.; 30 cm

Actes del col·loqui de l'A.E.H.D. de 1990 a Bèlgica

Inclou referències bibliogràfiques

Conté: "L'unica e virtuosa ziralda": a portrait of an italian XVIth century ballerina / by Patrizia La Rocca, Università Cattolica di Milano. Dance as sexual pantomime: the Spanish zarabanda / Rainer Gstrein. Man and woman - flute and drum : a study of parellels and interrelationships between music and dance as reflected in the iconography and performance practice of the 15th century / William Tuck. Man and woman in dance: social and sexual functions of dances for men and women in 16th century Italy, 17th century Spain and 18th century England / by Jane Gingell. Damenspende : the dance-orders as a stilled craft / M. Fink. Dance fot the aristocracy: ballet instruction for the royal children of Wüttemberg / by Sandra Noll Hammond, University of Hawaii. Danseurs et ballerines durant la genese parisienne du ballet romantique (1820-1823) : roles masculins, roles feminins / Sylvie Jacq-Mioche. Man : wrouw relatie in de dans van indie / Jetty Roels. Le masculin et le feminin dans les théâtres de l'Inde et du sud-est asiatique / Eliane Beranger. Beginning again: new roles for women and men in dance in England in the 1970s / Chr. Adair. Misogynist of emancipator? : and overview of gender issues in the choreography of Hans Van Manen with particular reference to Grosse fuge (1971) / Kate King. Gender and structuralism: combined perspectives / by Stephanie Jordan and Helen Thomas. Table ronde du Colloque : Les articles de presse comme source historique

Textos en anglès, francès, alemany i neerlandès


Dansa--Història i crítica--Congressos
Indentitat sexual en la dansa--Congressos


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