Naked boys singing! /

Naked boys singing! / Avant-títol: The songs from the hit musical comedy conceived and directed by Robert Schrock ; written by Stephen Bates [i 12 més] - 1 disc sonor : digital ; 12 cm

Al contenidor: "Original Los Angeles cast recording"

Conté: Gratuitous nudity -- The naked maid -- The bliss of a bris -- Window to window -- Fight the urge -- Robert Mitchum -- Jack's song -- Members only -- Perky little porn star -- Stripped -- Kris, look what you've missed -- Muscle addiction -- Window to window (reprise) -- Nothin' but the radio on -- Window to the soul -- Finale

Brian Beacock, Tony Davis, Steve Gideon, cantants ; altres intèrprets de suports i acompanyament instrumental ; Stephan Bates, director musical i arranjador

Enregistrat els dies 17 i 18 d'abril de 1998, a The Enchanted Cottage


CPCD1210 Café Pacific Records



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