Complete songs and romances a tribute for the 200th anniversary : volume one : 1840-1856 /

Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovitx, 1804-1857

Complete songs and romances a tribute for the 200th anniversary : volume one : 1840-1856 / [Enregistrament sonor] : Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka - Hollywood : Delos international, p, cop. 2004 - 1 1 h 16 min 43 s + CD 1 llibret (26 p.)

Intèrprets: Victoria Evtodieva (S), Liudmila Shkirtil (MS), Piotr Migunov (B), grup masculí de Lege Artis Chamber Choir, Yuri Serov (piano) 013491333823

Conté: Parting with Petersburg, a vocal cycle / N. Kukolnik -- How sweet it is to be with you / P. Ryndin -- Declaration / A. Pushkin -- I love you, pretty Rose / I. Samarin -- To her / A. Mickiewicz ; versió russa S. Golitsin -- The pretty one -- You'll soon forget me / Y. Zhadovskaya -- Whenever I hear your voice / M. Lermontov -- The grace cup / A. Pushkin -- Margaret's song form Goethe's Faust / versió russa A. Strugavschikov -- O lovely Maid / a. Mickiewicz -- Adele / A. Pushkin -- Mary / A. Pushkin -- The gulf of Finland / P. Obodovsky -- Ah, would I knew before / I. Dmitriev -- Don't say your heart aches / N. Pavlov

Text de les cançons en rus i anglès al llibret

DE 3338 Delos


Cançons ac. de piano
Cançons russes
Música vocal ac. de piano

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