Peter and the Wolf

Prokof'ev, Sergej, 1891-1953

Peter and the Wolf [Enregistrament de vídeo] / [Serge Prokofiev]. L'Enfant et les sortilèges : lyrique fantasie en deux parties (1920-1925) / Maurice Ravel - [München] : Arthaus Musik, [200-?] - 1 disc òptic (DVD) (82 min. (30,52)) : col. + 1 fullet

1.Peter and the Wolf. Orquestra: The Orchestra of the Royal Ballet School, Covent Garden; ballet: Students of the Royal Ballet School; coreografia: Matthew Hart; narrador: Anthony Dowell; intèrprets: David Johnson, Layla Harrison, Karan Lingham, Elizabeth Holliday, Martin Harvey, Anthony dowell. 2.L'Enfant et les sotilèges. Cor: Choeur et La Maîtrise de la RTF; orquestra: Orchestre National, Paris; director d'orquestra: Lorin Maazel; coreografia: Jirí Kylián; llibret: Colette

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