Playwrights on playwriting : the meaning and making of modern drama from Ibsen to Ionesco / edited by Toby Cole ; introduction by John Gassner - First Dramabook edition - xx, 299 pàgines ; 19 cm - A Dramabook ; 0529 . - Dramabook 0529 .

Reimpressions: 1982 Índex

Inclou referències bibliogràfiques pàgines 289-294

Conté: Henrik Ibsen -- Emile Zola -- August Strindberg -- Anton Chekhov -- Maurice Maeterlinck -- William B. Yeats -- John Galsworthy -- Bernard Shaw -- Federico Garcia Lorca -- Jean Giraudoux -- Eugene O'Neill -- Bertolt Brecht -- Thornton Wilder -- Jean-Paul Sartre -- Christopher Fry -- Friedrich Duerrendatt -- John Osborne -- Eugene Ionesco -- John Millington Synge -- Luigi Pirandello -- Ernst Toller -- Jean Cocteau -- Sean O'Casey - T. S. Elliot -- Arthur Miller -- Tennessee Williams

Dramaturgs --S. XX
Dramaturgs-- S. XIX
