Cunningham, Merce

The dancer and the dance / Merce Cunningham in conversation with Jacqueline Lesschaeve - New York [etc.] : Marion Boyars, cop.1985 - 238 p., [40] p. de lám. : il.; 23 cm

Llista de fotografies p.9-10 Llista de dibuixos coreogrāfics p.11

Coreografies p.201-214 Filmografia p.215-222 Index p.235-238

Merce Cunningham not only discusses compositions but also reveals a great deal about his collaborations with modern masters such as John Cage, Robert Rauschenberg, David Tudor, Jasper Johns and Morris Graves. Merce Cunningham talks and explains with the same fluidity and expansiveness that is notable when he dances -- Ressenya de Google books



Cunningham, Merce--Intervius

Ballarins de dansa contemporānia--Intervius--Estats Units d'Amčrica
Coreōgrafs de dansa contemporānia--Intervius--Estats Units d'Amčrica

793.5 CUN