Casting 1 : Hombres : Monólogos para actores / [traducción: Manuel Barroso] - Madrid : La Avispa, DL 2000 - 68 p. : 21 cm

Conté: I never sang for my father; The poblem with Europe (monólogo del Inspector Jogot); A singular kinda guy; War story; The child; The wall of water; Why I drink; New order; An audible sigh; China war; Look at any man; Hey you, light man!; The magic realist; The award; Fences; Making a killing; About Sally; The downside; The problem with Europe (monólogo de Tilbury); The locked room; Battery; Breakfast with Less and Bess; Serenading Louie; Red letter days; Tall tales (2 monólogos); The boys of winter (3 monólogos); How are they and how it is with them; Friends; How I got that story; Landscape of the body



