The moving voice : the integration of voice and movement studies / presented by The voice and speech review ; edited by Rena Cook - Oklahoma : Voice and Speech Trainers Association, cop. 2009 - 471 p. : il.; 28 cm

A la coberta: "A publication of the Voice & Speech Trainers Association" A la contracoberta: "78 articles from experts all over the world centered on the integration of voice and movement related studies, plus other topics including: Alexander technique, Ritualized lamentation, Heightened text, Verse and scansion, Private studio practice, Voice and speech science, singing pedagogy, Yoga and voice training, Chekhov and Fitzmaurice fusion, Screening the natural voice, Coaching the transgender client, Ultrasound imaging & the muscles of support, Interviews with leading voice coachers, Voice skills perceptual profile, Somatic voicework, Lessac kinesensic training, Buiding and Actor Centered Company, Dyslexia and Shakespeare, Embodying meter, Lecoq movement and George voice work, Plus books reviews"

Referències bibliogràfiques. Índex



Veu--Cura i higiene
Alexander, Tècnica
Moviment (Interpretació)
