World anthems [Enregistrament sonor] - Hollywood, CA : Delos, p1996 - 1 disc sonor (CD) (60min) : digital

Donald Fraser, arranjaments Enregistrat : Feb. 10-13, 1996, Alice Millar Chapel, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill Millar Brass Ensemble ; Stephen Squires, director 013491319926

Conté: United States of America -- United Kingdom -- Canada -- Italy -- Argentina -- South Africa -- Ukraine -- India -- Hungary -- France -- China -- Slovakia -- Czech Republic -- Venezuela -- Egypt -- Russia -- Spain -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Jordan -- Belgium -- Ireland -- Greece -- Chile -- Finland -- Kenya -- South Korea -- Israel -- Denmark -- Bulgaria -- Brazil -- Japan -- Monaco -- Latvia -- Mexico -- New Zealand -- Ethiopia -- Sweden -- Poland -- Lithuania -- Taiwan -- Indonesia -- Germany -- Estonia -- The Netherlands -- Norway -- Austria -- Turkey -- Australia.

DE 3199 Delos


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