Dodds, Sherril, 1967-

Dance on screen : genres and media from Hollywood to experimental art / Sherril Dodds - XXI, 196 p. : il.; 22 cm

Inclou referències bibliogràfiques (p. 186-193) i índex

Conté: 1. Dance on Screen: A Contextual Framework. Visual culture in the late twentieth century. Histories of dance on screen. Screen dance and critical perspectives. A focus on screen dance practitioners. The live body and the screen body: a technical comparison -- 2. Images of Dance in the Screen Media. Hollywood dance films: popular representations of dance. Television advertising and dancing bodies. Dance and pop music video: a musicology of the image. The translation of theatre dance of screen. Early dance for the camera -- 3. Video Dance: Televisualizing the Dancing Body. An introduction to video dance. Manipulating the dancing body on screen. Choreographic content in video dance. The dance of the camera and the cut



Dansa en la cinematografia, la televisió, etc
Mitjans de comunicació de massa i art

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