On interpretation in the arts : interdisciplinary studies in honor of Moshe Lazar /

On interpretation in the arts : interdisciplinary studies in honor of Moshe Lazar / edited by Nurit Yaari - Tel Aviv : The Yolanda and David Katz, Faculty of the Arts, 2000 - 360 p. : il.: b/n - Assaph Book Series . - Assaph Book Series .

Referències bibliogràfiques. Bibliografia de Moshe Lazar. Índex

Conté: Capítol I (Re-Reading the past): Panim - On facial re-presentation in Jewish thought: some correlational instances / Moshe Idel ; Ezekiel, the prophet as a Holy actor / Shimon Levy ; Artisans and workshops in ancient mosaic pavements in Israel / Asher Ovadiah ; Theodora, Harlot Queen or oriental empress: a new interpretation of her image in San Vitale / Nurith Kenaan-Kedar. Capítol II (Interwoven context): Ut pictura teatrum: adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci / Ahuva Belkin ; Arnold Schoenberg's reading of a Petrarch sonnet / Judith Cohen ; Expressions of self-reference in ancient Greek tragedy and their transition onto the screen / Hadassa Shani ; Fellini as clown and circus ringmaster: on the secret of pleasure in the strange world of Fellini's cinema / Gabriel Bensimhon. Capítol III (Interpreting theatrical praxis): Creative interpretation in theatre / Eli Rozik ; Applied dramaturgy: the conception behind the conception / Gad Kaynar ; Casting as an interpretative means / Tom Lewy. Capítol IV (Comparative readings): contemporary and Israely arts: Some pointers to the Oriental element in the Nascent Hebrew folksong / Shai Burstyn ; Return, return, o Shulamit: her Ashen hair in the works of Paul Cela, Anselm Kiefer and Adam Berg / Mordechai Omer ; On influence: Tumarkin and Goya's Witches'Sabbath / Avigdor W. G. Posèq ; Women as cultural cosntructs in modern drama: Ghelderode, Dürrenmatt and Aloni / Yaffa Weisman ; Staging dying: Hanoch Levin versus Aeschylus on human suffering / Nurit Yaari



Lazar, Moshe--Bibliografia
Fellini, Federico, 1920-1993 --Crítica i interpretació
Schoenberg, Arnold--Crítica i interpretació
Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989. En attendant Godot --Escenificacions
Èsquil, 525 aC-456 aC --Crítica i interpretació

Interdisciplinarietat en l'art
Cançons folklòriques hebrees
Tragèdia grega--Adaptacions cinematogràfiques i de vídeo
Tragèdia grega--Adaptacions televisives
Teatre religiós--Israel
Dones en la literatura dramàtica


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