Essentials of interactive functional anatomy

Hillman, Susan K.

Essentials of interactive functional anatomy [Recurs electrònic] / Susan K. Hillman - Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2012 - 1 disc òptic (DVD-ROM) : col.

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"This DVD will help students throroughly review componets of structural anatomy with a complete high-resolution 3-D model of the human musculature. The model can be rotated and allows for 11 layers of anatomy to be visually removed--from muscles down to bones. The DVD also includes 34 animations--each of which can be viewed from four different angles--showing clinical muscle function and providing students with a strong sense of the movement and motion around joints. To reinforce the content, this DVD also offers an interactive quiz. Students can select the level of difficulty and the number of quiz questions, and then by using a multiple-choice format they can locate various structures on the model" -- Contenidor

Requeriments mínims del sistema: PC: Microsoft XP, Vista, Windows 7. Velocitat del processador: 1.5 GHz with 512 MB de RAM. Espai de disc: 200 MB . Pantalla: 1024 x 768. Lector de DVD-ROM.
Requeriments mínims del sistema: Mac: Mac (Intel) OSX 10.4, 10.5, i 10.6. Velocitat del processador: 1.5 GHz with 512 MB de RAM. Espai de disc: 200 MB. Pantalla: 1024 x 768. Lector de DVD-ROM

9781450441308 1450441300


Anatomia humana--Atles


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