Stagecraft 1 : a complete guide to backstage work /

Lord, William H.

Stagecraft 1 : a complete guide to backstage work / by William H. Lord - 2nd ed. - Colorado : Meriwether Publishing, 1991 - 134 p., A-M p. : il.; 28 cm

Bibliografia. Índex

Sumari: 1. Stages & rigging. 2. Safety. 3. Production staff & creus. 4. Properties. 5. Sound. 6. Tools. 7. Lumber and by-products. 8. Fasteners. 9. Scenery construction. 10. Hardware. 11. Platforms, parallels, steps and ramps. 12. Paint. 13. Lights sources. 14. Control of light. 15. Lighting instruments. 16. Electricity and devices. 17. Dimming and distribution. 18. Color and light. 19. Planning lighting. Appendix



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